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Thuja Columna

huja Columna is wind resistant, robust and easy to care for with shiny green needles and has a compact and somewhat cylindrical shape. The bar remains in place all year round and therefore Thuja Columna provides a constant privacy protection. This variety is somewhat original and is guaranteed to stand out from the crowd among neighbors and in residential areas. It is also the height of heights and can reach a height of 20 m (if desired). Thuja Columna is hardy up to zone 5.
huja Columna is wind resistant, robust and easy to care for with shiny green needles and has a compact and somewhat cylindrical shape. The bar remains in place all year round and therefore Thuja Columna provides a constant privacy protection. This variety is somewhat original and is guaranteed to stand out from the crowd among neighbors and in residential areas. It is also the height of heights and can reach a height of 20 m (if desired). Thuja Columna is hardy up to zone 5.
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